Editorial: Exiles and diasporas

Twentieth Century Communism - ISSN 1758-6437
Volume 2014 Number 7

Editorial: Exiles and diasporas


One might suppose that historians of communism have less to learn than most from the current vogue for transnational history. Whatever criticisms might be made of the great traditional landmarks of communist historiography, restriction of the subject to an exclusively national terrain is not one of them. On the contrary, the main objection to these party-focused histories was that national contexts and determinants were so often relegated to a purely secondary level, and it was precisely this preoccupation with external agencies and motive forces that a later generation of historians sought to bring into question. In the resulting ‘centre-periphery’ debate, the transnational dimension of communist history was, for the most part, argued out as if more or less confined to the relationship between Moscow and otherwise self-sufficient communist parties.

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(2014) Editorial: Exiles and diasporas, Twentieth Century Communism, 2014(7)

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