PCF and Front de Gauche: exploiting a communist nostalgia in France?
Twentieth Century Communism - ISSN 1758-6437
Volume 2016 Number 11
PCF and Front de Gauche: exploiting a communist nostalgia in France?
Gino Raymond
One could argue that nostalgia was stamped into the identity of the post-war Parti Communiste Français (PCF) from the moment the provisional government-in-waiting stepped into the political vacuum after the collapse of the Vichy government in the summer of 1944. It was a period of instant nostalgia as, across the political spectrum, there was an endeavour to resurrect and reconfigure the past in a way that could offer a unifying sense of identity to a nation whose sense of self and purpose had endured the trauma of defeat and occupation.
To cite this article
Gino Raymond (2016) PCF and Front de Gauche: exploiting a communist nostalgia in France?, Twentieth Century Communism, 2016(11)