Twentieth Century Communism Volume 2018 Issue 14
ISSN 1758-6437
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1917 in 2017
Kevin Morgan Free to download
Contrasting centenaries: how Russia, Ukraine and Belarus marked October
Francis King, Olena Palko
Against the current: non-governmental commemorations of the October Revolution in China
Hongsheing Jiang
October in Contraption-Land: politics and history in Portugal
Jose Neves
Finland 1917 – A centenary in the shadows of independence celebrations and civil war commemorations
Kasper Braskén
‘Red October’ in South Africa
Irina Filatova
France and the centenary of October
Gavin Bowd
Goodbye to all that: remembering 1917 in the UK
John Medhurst
War and revolution: Romanian retrospectives on the centenary of Red October
Mioara Anton
Communism + Transnational: the rediscovered equation of internationalism in the Comintern years
Sabine Dullin, Brigitte Studer Free to download
The Stalin Question
John Callaghan
Never forget? The Holocaust and British communist anti-fascism, 1945-1951
Joshua Cohen
Catherin Epstein, Mike Makin-Waite, Geoff Eley, Elke Weesjes, Geoffrey Swain Free to download