Twentieth Century Communism Volume 2017 Issue 13

ISSN 1758-6437

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October, the Cold War and Commemoration: Solidarity at a Safe Distance?


Kevin Morgan Free to download

The international echoes of the commemorations of the October Revolution (1918-1990)
Jean-François Fayet Free to download

Celebrating the October Revolution? A Socialist Dilemma: France, Italy, 1945-1956
Virgile Cirefice

‘October’ as a marker of radicalisation: commemorations of the October Revolution in Denmark during the Cold War Period
Jesper Jørgensen

Venice 1977: (counter)celebrations of the October Revolution
Matteo Bertelé

Anniversaries of the October Revolution in the political-cultural magazine of the Italian Communist Party: Rinascita, 1957-1987
Alexander Höbel

The journalist as a foreign expert: American television correspondents reporting on the November parades (1960s-1980s)

Gavin Bowd, Dianne Kirby, David Kirby, Michael Waller, André Liebich Free to download

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