Twentieth Century Communism Volume 2017 Issue 12

ISSN 1758-6437

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Communism and the written word


Editorial: Communism's print culture
Ben Harker Free to download

‘The voice speaking, desired, awaited’: Jack Lindsay’s 1649, textual form and communist historiography
Elinor Taylor

‘And the lives are many’: the print culture of Australian Communism
Anthony Ashbolt, Rowan Cahill

Translation and ideology in post-war Italy: left-wing publishers and the Italian Communist Party
Mila Milani

British Communism, periodicals and comprehensive education, 1920-56
Matthew Kavanagh Free to download

Number crunching the engineers of human souls: Polish writers as a social group
Carl Tighe

‘Polemics pertinent at the time of publication’: Georg Lukács, International Literature, and the Popular Front
Glyn Salton-Cox

Swedish communism in print, 1917–45
Kristin Ewins

‘The vicious circle’: communist cartooning, internationalism & print culture, 1917-25
Samuel S Hyde

Ben Harker

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