Twentieth Century Communism Volume 2016 Issue 11

ISSN 1758-6437

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Memory and Nostalgia


Introduction, pages ‑
Gavin Bowd

Re-Assessing post-communist nostalgia in Romania: chronological framework and opinion polls, pages ‑
Manuela Marin

Nicolae Ceausescu: between vernacular memory and nostalgia, pages ‑
Maria-Alina Asavei Free to download

Nationality-driven Soviet nostalgia: determinants of retrospective regime evaluation in the Baltic States, pages ‑
Kjetil Duvold, Joakim Ekman

Nostalgia for the PRL in contemporary Poland, pages ‑
Karolina Golinowska

From Yugoslavia to Yugonostalgia: political elements in narratives about life in the former SFRY, pages ‑
Ivan Maksimovic Free to download

Long live the Kommunalka! The tension between postmodern poetics and post-soviet nostalgia in the work of Andrei Makine, pages ‑
Helena Duffy

PCF and Front de Gauche: exploiting a communist nostalgia in France?, pages ‑
Gino Raymond Free to download

‘We all miss you’: Enrico Berlinguer in post-Berlin Wall Italy, pages ‑
Philip Cooke, Gianluca Fantoni Free to download

Missing communism in 1985 and 2015 Greece: nostalgia in Rinio Dragasaki’s short film Dad, Lenin and Freddy, pages ‑
Iro Filippaki

The blurred object of communist nostalgia: Radio Free Europe, pages ‑
Yuliya Komska

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