Twentieth Century Communism Volume 2016 Issue 10

ISSN 1758-6437

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Gidon Cohen, Norman LaPorte Free to download

A transnational friendship in the Age of Extremes: Leon Trotsky and the Pfemferts
Marcel Bois Free to download

Trotsky's English Friends: Leon Trotsky’s asylum application and the British Left in the early 1930s
Liam McNulty

The struggle against Trotskyism in Norway, 1935-1937. A meeting of Soviet and local political culture.
Ole Martin Rønning

'A Man of the World'. Encounters and articulations of anti-imperialism as cosmopolitanism
Fredrik Petersson

Review article - Solidarity: a new concept for transnational labour history?
Evan Smith


Obituary: Professor Hermann Weber (1928-2014)
Free to download

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