Twentieth Century Communism Volume 2015 Issue 9

ISSN 1758-6437

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Cultural Turn


Editorial: Cultural Turn, pages ‑
Matthew Worley Free to download

Gorizian heretics of 1956: Eurocommunism starts here?, pages ‑
Fiona Haig Free to download

The People and the Workers: Communist Cultural Politics during the Popular Front in France, pages ‑
Mattie Fitch

Culture, Class, and Communism: The Politics of Rock in the West German 1968, pages ‑
Timothy Scott Brown Free to download

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction: Two responses on the British left to the rise of identity politics - the cases of Class War and Red Action, pages ‑
Paul Stott

Revolutionary music, or music for revolution? Thirteen paragraphs on Cornelius Cardew: the composer, his communism, some context, pages ‑

Calling Planet Marx: Nicolae Ceauescu’s Cultural Revolution, pages ‑
Gavin Bowd

British Marxist Historians and Socialist Strategy: Within, Beyond and After the Communist Party, pages ‑
Adria` Llacuna

Reviews, pages ‑
Francis King, John Bulaitis

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