Twentieth Century Communism Volume 2015 Issue 8

ISSN 1758-6437

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Editorial: General issue
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'Esteemed Comintern!': The Communist International and World-Revolutionary Charisma in Early Soviet Society
Gleb Albert

Socialist and communist networks and representatives in Brittany: comparisons and reflections (1920-1989)
Francois Prigent

A Small Revolution: Family, Sex and the Communist Youth of Chile during the Allende Years (1970-1973)
Alfonso Salgado Free to download

Communism in Scandinavia
Tauno Saarela

Historiography of the Russian Provisional Government 1917 in the USSR
Ian Thatcher

The International Union of Seamen and Harbour Workers (ISH) 1930-1937: interclubs and transnational aspects
Constance Margain

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