Twentieth Century Communism - ISSN 1758-6437
Volume 2018 Number 14
Catherin Epstein, Mike Makin-Waite, Geoff Eley, Elke Weesjes, Geoffrey Swain
Books reviewed:
- John Green, A Political Family: The Kuczynskis, Fascism, Espionage and the Cold War, Abingdon: Routledge, 2017, ISBN 1138232319, 370pp. Reviewed by Catherine Epstein.
- Joanna Bullivant, Alan Bush, Modern Music, and the Cold War: the cultural left in Britain and the communist bloc, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017, ISBN 9781107033368, xvii + 270pp, £75. Reviewed by Mike Makin-Waite.
- Gleb J. Albert, Das Charisma der Weltrevolution. Revolutionärer Internationalismus in der frühen Sovietgesellschaft 1917-1927, Cologne, Weimar, Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 2017, ISBN 978-3-412-50754-1, 631pp. Reviewed by Geoff Eley.
- Jane Lazarre, The Communist and the Communist’s Daughter – A Memoir, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2017, ISBN 978022369370 hbk, 240pp, £22.99. Reviewed by Elke Weesjes.
- Andre Liebich and Svetlana Yakhimovich (eds), From Communism to Anti-Communism: Photographs from the Boris Souvarine Collection at the Graduate Institute, Geneva, Geneva, The Graduate Institute, 2017, ISBN 9782940503971, 160 pp. Reviewed by Geoffrey Swain.e
To cite this article
Catherin Epstein, Mike Makin-Waite, Geoff Eley, Elke Weesjes, Geoffrey Swain (2018) Reviews, Twentieth Century Communism, 2018(14)