AS Vol 24 No 1 - Reviews

Anarchist Studies - ISSN 2633-8270
Volume 24 Number 1

AS Vol 24 No 1 - Reviews
Jim Donaghey, Vittorio Frigerio, Robert Graham, Thomas Martin


Bart van der Steen, Ask Katzeff and Leendert van Hoogenhuijze (eds), The City Is Ours. Squatting and Autonomous Movements in Europe from the 1970s to the Present 
Reviewed by Jim Donaghey

Louise Michel, A` travers la Mort. Me´moires Ine´dits, 1886-1890, (edited and introduced by Claude Re´tat) 
Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio

M. Testa, Militant Anti-Fascism. A Hundred Years of Resistance 
Reviewed by Jim Donaghey  

Z?iga Vodovnik, A Living Spirit of Revolt: The Infrapolitics of Anarchism 
Reviewed by Robert Graham

Alex Ogg, Dead Kennedys: Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, The Early Years 
Reviewed by Jim Donaghey

Brian Morris, Anthropology, Ecology, and Anarchism: a Brian Morris Reader 
Reviewed by Thomas Martin 

Colin Ward and David Goodway, Talking Anarchy 
Reviewed by Jim Donaghey

Claude Guillon, Comment Peut-on E^tre Anarchiste? 
Reviewed by Vittorio Frigerio

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To cite this article
Jim Donaghey, Vittorio Frigerio, Robert Graham, Thomas Martin (2016) AS Vol 24 No 1 - Reviews, Anarchist Studies, 24(1)

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