Proudhon’s Constituted Value and the Myth of Labour Notes

Anarchist Studies - ISSN 2633-8270
Volume 25 Number 1

Proudhon’s Constituted Value and the Myth of Labour Notes
Iain McKay pages -


Karl Marx’s The Poverty of Philosophy has played a key role in associating Pierre-Joseph Proudhon with the idea of labour-time money. This article challenges this account by demonstrating that Marx not only failed to prove his assertion but that he also ignored substantial evidence against it. Proudhon’s ‘constituted value’ is explained and linked to other key ideas in System of Economic Contradictions which Marx ignores.

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To cite this article
Iain McKay (2017) Proudhon’s Constituted Value and the Myth of Labour Notes, Anarchist Studies, 25(1), -

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