Anarchist Studies Volume 26 (2018) Issue 1

ISSN 2633-8270

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About this issue’s cover
Allan Antliff Free to download

Ferreira de Castro's Emigrantes: An Anarchist Portuguese Novel Responds to the Myth of the 'Brasileiro'
Pli´nio d e Go´es Jr Free to download

Caught Between Internationalism, Transnationalism and Immigration: A Brief Account of the History of Anarchism in Egypt until 1945
Laura Galián Hernández, Costantino Paonessa

Against Soft Anarchism: Challenging Liberal Cooptations of Anarchism in International Relations Theory
Shelagh Roxburgh

Anarchism's Posthuman Future
Erika Cudworth, Stephen Hobden

Review article: Antisemitism in the anarchist tradition
Dominique Miething


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