Concept and Practice of Effectiveness in Autonomism: from Autonomia and Autonomen to Contemporary Movements
Anarchist Studies - ISSN 2633-8270
Volume 29 Number 1 (2021)
Concept and Practice of Effectiveness in Autonomism: from Autonomia and
Autonomen to Contemporary Movements
Tomas Marcinkevičius pages 57‑78
Autonomist politics have been prominent in social movements around the world for at least half a century. Critics of autonomism often acknowledge its mobilising successes, but point out its inability or unwillingness to bridge the gap between the initial protest waves and sustainable counter-hegemonic institutions, seeing autonomism as ineffective in the long term. Motivated by this critical trend, I aim to draw an outline of the complicated autonomist relation to the concept of political effectiveness. Influential Italian and German movements of the 1960s–1980s are chosen as a starting point. Analysis of the critique of alleged autonomist ineffectiveness, combined with an overview of autonomist experience and achievements from the late twentieth century to the movements of the 2010s, shows a peculiar and paradoxical nature of this relation.
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To cite this article
Tomas Marcinkevičius (2021) Concept and Practice of Effectiveness in Autonomism: from Autonomia and
Autonomen to Contemporary Movements, Anarchist Studies, 29(1), 57-78