Reimagining the Food System: Kropotkin, Food Sovereignty and OrganicLea
Anarchist Studies - ISSN 2633-8270
Volume 31 Number 2 (2023)
Reimagining the Food System: Kropotkin, Food Sovereignty and OrganicLea
Tomas Pewton pages 53‑72
DOI: 10.3898/AS.31.2.03
This paper explores the similarities between Kropotkin’s vision of a just food system and the food sovereignty movement, with the concrete example of the work of OrganicLea. It will begin with an analysis of the deepening problems of our food system through food insecurity and its negative impact upon the environment. The second part will introduce the idea of food sovereignty and show how it intersects with Kropotkin’s work, with it being argued that a just food system is one that recognises central aspects of both; alongside local and collective ownership, the well-being of all, regenerative agriculture and a commitment to wider social and environmental justice. I will then show how such principles are being put into practice through the work and direct action of OrganicLea. This will reveal how Kropotkin’s thought is still relevant today and how it can be used to address contemporary concerns such as food insecurity and climate change. The paper will also consider the limitations of Kropotkin, including his time-restricted ideas, and the need for new perspectives such as those found in OrganicLea and the food sovereignty movement.
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To cite this article
Tomas Pewton (2023) Reimagining the Food System: Kropotkin, Food Sovereignty and OrganicLea, Anarchist Studies, 31(2), 53-72 . https://doi.org/10.3898/AS.31.2.03