On Not Being a Teacher: the professional and personal costs of Workforce Remodelling
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 47 Number 2 & 3 (2005)
On Not Being a Teacher: the professional and personal costs of Workforce Remodelling
PATRICK YARKER pages 169‑174
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2005.47.2.6
The introduction of Workforce Remodelling poses profound questions about 21st century teacher professionalism. Here Patrick Yarker explores, not only the dangers and duplicity of one particular 'reform'. These moving, insightful reflections of a gifted, courageous teacher expose the personal and professional dilemmas that will always face those who work for radical change within the state education system. In asking 'How far is it proper for a teacher to stay silent or be silenced and disregard their personal views in the implementation of education policy?' he raises questions we are often too busy or too apprehensive to consider. And yet, 'What we teach is ourselves'. It is our relational engagement with young people that is at the heart of education.
To cite this article
PATRICK YARKER (2005) On Not Being a Teacher: the professional and personal costs of Workforce Remodelling, FORUM, 47(2 & 3 ), 169-174 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2005.47.2.6