On the Comfort of the Wilderness: the significance of Lord Andrew Adonis, de facto Secretary of State for Education
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 47 Number 2 & 3 (2005)
On the Comfort of the Wilderness: the significance of Lord Andrew Adonis, de facto Secretary of State for Education
FRANCIS BECKETT pages 212‑214
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2005.47.2.12
Here Francis Beckett, formerly Education Correspondent of the New Statesman and long-time member of the Labour Party 'Comprehensive Futures' group set up to further the cause of non-selective schools for all children reflects on the prospects for radical state education in New Labour's third term. He argues that with Andrew Adonis made a lord to enable him to be kept in charge of education the likelihood of progress in directions this journal would support seem highly unlikely. In these circumstances Francis Beckett opts for a 'wilderness' that he suggests is likely to be a more comfortable place to be than contemporary alternatives.
To cite this article
FRANCIS BECKETT (2005) On the Comfort of the Wilderness: the significance of Lord Andrew Adonis, de facto Secretary of State for Education, FORUM, 47(2 & 3 ), 212-214 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2005.47.2.12