When Teachers Reclaim Learning
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 48 Number 2 (2006)
When Teachers Reclaim Learning
CHRIS WATKINS pages 121‑130
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2006.48.2.121
This account describes and analyses some of the processes which are important for teachers to maintain a creative role in promoting learning while in a climate of managerialism and performativity. It does so from the stance of someone who works with teachers and schools on a minority interest in current times - learning. Processes needed to combat some of the mechanical official discourses, and the disempowerment and demoralisation of teachers are outlined, as well as those which challenge the silence on learning. It amounts to a story of teachers reclaiming agency.
To cite this article
CHRIS WATKINS (2006) When Teachers Reclaim Learning, FORUM, 48(2), 121-130 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2006.48.2.121