The School Academies Programme: a new direction or total abandonment?
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 50 Number 1 (2008)
The School Academies Programme: a new direction or total abandonment?
CLYDE CHITTY pages 23‑32
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2008.50.1.23
The concept of City Academies owes much to the plan for a network of City Technology Colleges announced by Conservative Education Secretary Kenneth Baker in 1986. This article argues that all this can be viewed as part of the inroad of business into state education, with private sponsorship seen by government as the magical solution to the 'problems' faced by state schools. Moreover, recent additions to the network of Academies appear to share the ethos of the early CTCs in specialising in business and enterprise and other vocational specialisms. In response to some of the criticisms that Academies have received, some commentators are now arguing for a new direction for these schools and for a model which emphasises local co-operation and social cohesion. But it can be argued that all this falls far short of what is really needed: a long-term strategy for restoring Academies to the maintained sector and for making them accountable to the communities they serve.
To cite this article
CLYDE CHITTY (2008) The School Academies Programme: a new direction or total abandonment?, FORUM, 50(1), 23-32 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2008.50.1.23