Academies in Action: case studies from Camden and Pimlico, 2007
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 50 Number 1 (2008)
Academies in Action: case studies from Camden and Pimlico, 2007
MELISSA BENN pages 33‑40
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2008.50.1.33
Both main UK political parties lend enthusiastic public support to academies, in the name of supporting the nation's poorest pupils. But Gordon Brown's Labour is, in reality, unsure about this undemocratic model while the Tories may well in the future exploit academy 'independence' for retrograde ends. Two contemporary case studies from London, in Camden and Pimlico, show the inherent dangers of this controversial national programme; they represent a blow to a truly modernised comprehensive model and give too much power to private interests. The private sector is keen to get involved for its own, often defensive, reasons. Meanwhile, Brown's Government has little time left to make truly substantive changes to our education system that will really benefit those that need it most.
To cite this article
MELISSA BENN (2008) Academies in Action: case studies from Camden and Pimlico, 2007, FORUM, 50(1), 33-40 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2008.50.1.33