The Devon NUT Campaign Against Trust Schools
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 50 Number 1 (2008)
The Devon NUT Campaign Against Trust Schools
DAVE CLINCH pages 97‑102
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2008.50.1.97
When the Devon County Council announced that six secondary schools in the South Devon area were to become 'Pathfinder Schools' for trust status, the Devon National Union of Teachers set about organising a campaign to defend the county's comprehensive schools. This campaign has proved successful in the case of Tavistock College, causing other schools to review their position, but the NUT is not allowing itself to be complacent, and recognises that the very concept of community comprehensive schools is under threat from Gordon Brown's Government.
To cite this article
DAVE CLINCH (2008) The Devon NUT Campaign Against Trust Schools, FORUM, 50(1), 97-102 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2008.50.1.97