The 2007 Revised Standards for Qualified Teacher Status: doubts, challenges and opportunities
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 50 Number 1 (2008)
The 2007 Revised Standards for Qualified Teacher Status: doubts, challenges and opportunities
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2008.50.1.127
September 2007 saw the introduction of the new 'Q' standards for the award of Qualified Teacher Status. Drawing on a meeting of 140 primary and secondary school ITT tutors, this article sets out to record and discuss the teachers' initial reactions to these new standards a few weeks before their introduction. The article shows classroom teachers have significant concerns about a significant minority of the standards and this indicates that HEIs and other ITT providers now have a challenging management of change agenda.
To cite this article
PHIL JACKSON, JEFF SERF (2008) The 2007 Revised Standards for Qualified Teacher Status: doubts, challenges and opportunities, FORUM, 50(1), 127-136 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2008.50.1.127