'O Rose, thou art sick', 'O Testing, thou art malign': a critique of two official reports (with apologies to William Blake)
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 51 Number 3 (2009)
'O Rose, thou art sick', 'O Testing, thou art malign': a critique of two official reports (with apologies to William Blake)
COLIN RICHARDS pages 299‑304
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2009.51.3.299
Two official reports were published in 2009, each potentially important to the immediate and medium-term future of primary education and each (in the author's view) potentially damaging. The conservative nature of the reports' proposals are outlined in this article as are the opportunities missed for a fundamental reappraisal of the primary curriculum and its assessment.
To cite this article
COLIN RICHARDS (2009) 'O Rose, thou art sick', 'O Testing, thou art malign': a critique of two official reports (with apologies to William Blake), FORUM, 51(3), 299-304 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2009.51.3.299