The Cambridge Primary Review: a reply to R.J. Campbell

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 52 Number 2 (2010)

The Cambridge Primary Review: a reply to R.J. Campbell
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2010.52.2.151


The author was disappointed by R.J.Campbell's sour critique of the Cambridge Primary Review in FORUM Volume 52 Number 1 2010. His description of the Review's proposals on curriculum and pedagogy as 'backward-looking, cumbersome and partial' is such a bizarre misjudgement that it calls for some response. The author comments in turn on R.J.Campbell's criticism of the Review's twelve aims for the primary curriculum, his doubts about the curriculum domains outlined, and his discussion of pedagogy.

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To cite this article
MICHAEL ARMSTRONG (2010) The Cambridge Primary Review: a reply to R.J. Campbell, FORUM, 52(2), 151-154 .

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