The Cambridge Primary Review: a voice for the future
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 52 Number 3 (2010)
The Cambridge Primary Review: a voice for the future
ALISON PEACOCK pages 373‑380
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2010.52.3.373
The Cambridge Primary Review, the most comprehensive study of English primary education for forty years, is now becoming widely disseminated. This article describes ways in which schools can begin to take action immediately to implement the aims and principles offered for discussion by the Cambridge Primary Review. There is a call for the profession to become re energised and empowered through a collective endeavour to seek the best possible learning opportunities for all teachers and children through a demand for excellence in all areas of the curriculum.
To cite this article
ALISON PEACOCK (2010) The Cambridge Primary Review: a voice for the future, FORUM, 52(3), 373-380 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2010.52.3.373