The Stone Age Didn't End Because They Ran out of Stone: why our children can't wait much longer for a functional school system
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 54 Number 2 (2012)
The Stone Age Didn't End Because They Ran out of Stone: why our children can't wait much longer for a functional school system
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2012.54.2.285
This article explores the reasons why transformation of the school system is urgently needed. It is suggested that the system will implode as a result of a growing dislocation between what schools need to achieve and the inadequate, if not damaging, practices forcefully promoted by increasing numbers of school leaders and politicians. Alternatively, a culture of schooling in which there is much less directed management of students' learning behaviours and far more challenge, and therefore growth, is advocated. Let us start with the child, not with the school.
To cite this article
GERALDINE NORMAN, MARK MOORHOUSE (2012) The Stone Age Didn't End Because They Ran out of Stone: why our children can't wait much longer for a functional school system, FORUM, 54(2), 285-298 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2012.54.2.285