Mr Gove's Road to Privatisation: forcing primary schools to become Academies
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 54 Number 2 (2012)
Mr Gove's Road to Privatisation: forcing primary schools to become Academies
MELIAN MANSFIELD pages 319‑322
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2012.54.2.319
Not content with the response to his offer to outstanding schools to become academies, Michael Gove's next move has been to force schools to become academies. Resistance from parents and the local community has made no difference. This article explains what happened in Haringey and how undemocratic the whole process has been.
To cite this article
MELIAN MANSFIELD (2012) Mr Gove's Road to Privatisation: forcing primary schools to become Academies, FORUM, 54(2), 319-322 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2012.54.2.319