The Wallsend Owenites

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 55 Number 2 (2013)

The Wallsend Owenites
NIGEL TODD pages 279‑292
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2013.55.2.279


The nineteenth-century British Co-operative Movement included a commitment to education. Although only a minority of consumer co-operative societies offered educational facilities for their members, there was a willingness to experiment among those Co-operators whose grasp of Co-operation extended ideologically beyond remaining content with operating shops. This pioneering strand found its most advanced expression at Wallsend, on Tyneside, where Co-operators founded the Movement's only Co-operative elementary school.

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To cite this article
NIGEL TODD (2013) The Wallsend Owenites, FORUM, 55(2), 279-292 .

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