I Do Not Believe in 'Intelligence' or 'Ability' or 'Aptitude' - and Neither Should You
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 55 Number 3 (2013)
I Do Not Believe in 'Intelligence' or 'Ability' or 'Aptitude' - and Neither Should You
TOM BUZZARD pages 491‑500
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2013.55.3.491
Anybody who has studied education over the past forty years is aware that secondary education in England is the subject of continuous and continuing debate. Everyone has been to school and therefore everyone lays claim to some expertise - the lot of teachers is never easy. But it is a contention of this article that teachers are at least partly responsible for what is arguably the most damaging characteristic of English education: the persistent and pervasive belief in the notion of 'intelligence'.
To cite this article
TOM BUZZARD (2013) I Do Not Believe in 'Intelligence' or 'Ability' or 'Aptitude' - and Neither Should You, FORUM, 55(3), 491-500 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2013.55.3.491