'Varmits and Turnips': personal experiences of a secondary modern education, 1958-1962

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 55 Number 3 (2013)

'Varmits and Turnips': personal experiences of a secondary modern education, 1958-1962
JOHN BLACK pages 507‑516
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2013.55.3.507


This article is not intended to be an autobiography. It relates to the experiences of the author as a pupil in a secondary modern school in Wiltshire during the late 1950s and early 1960s. He suffered the experience of being an 11-plus failure and a secondary modern graduate at the age of 15 years. Later in life he had a much more rewarding career as a teacher in a comprehensive school. He supports the comprehensive school ethos because he had previously experienced the alternative. This article relates what his perceptions were of being a pupil in a secondary modern school, with a mixture of the 'old guard teachers' brought up on the Hadow ideology of a modern school, and the more dynamic young teachers who entered the school and had a profound influence on the author in shaping his future life and career.

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To cite this article
JOHN BLACK (2013) 'Varmits and Turnips': personal experiences of a secondary modern education, 1958-1962, FORUM, 55(3), 507-516 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2013.55.3.507

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