Writing Spaces, Professional Places: how a teachers' writing group can nurture teaching identities
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 56 Number 1 (2014)
Writing Spaces, Professional Places: how a teachers' writing group can nurture teaching identities
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2014.56.1.131
The National Writing Project (NWP) aims to promote writing groups for teachers to inform practice and raise the understanding of writing and learning to write. Writing Teachers groups do more than support teachers of writing. They can be characterised as communities of practice and as such may provide a space where teachers may construct professional knowledge and establish teaching identities in mutually supportive ways. This article focuses, in particular, on how this may have worked for one newly qualified teacher.
To cite this article
JENIFER SMITH, REBECCA GRIFFITHS (2014) Writing Spaces, Professional Places: how a teachers' writing group can nurture teaching identities, FORUM, 56(1), 131-138 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2014.56.1.131