Beautiful Nonsense: children's authentic art-making and Deleuzian difference

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 56 Number 1 (2014)

Beautiful Nonsense: children's authentic art-making and Deleuzian difference
VICKY GRUBE pages 55‑64
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2014.56.1.55


When we join with another who shares our sensibilities, we have potential for doing good. This article explores how the self-initiated art making of children that happens outside the classroom challenges the child emotionally and intellectually more than teacher-directed school art. Furthermore, authentic collaborative art making creates a site where a child can affect and be affected by others. This freedom opens shared spaces to encounter joy in otherness.

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To cite this article
VICKY GRUBE (2014) Beautiful Nonsense: children's authentic art-making and Deleuzian difference, FORUM, 56(1), 55-64 .

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