Flipping the Educational System: putting teachers at the heart of teaching

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 56 Number 2 (2014)

Flipping the Educational System: putting teachers at the heart of teaching
RENÉ KNEYBER pages 289‑292
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2014.56.2.289


This article describes an initiative led by two classroom teachers from the Netherlands to put teachers back at the centre of the educational process. The article argues that the educational system has become inverted, with those who are most influential (teachers) having the least opportunity to influence. The challenge is to 'flip the system' so that government and school leaders throughout the system are focused on supporting teachers.

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To cite this article
RENÉ KNEYBER (2014) Flipping the Educational System: putting teachers at the heart of teaching, FORUM, 56(2), 289-292 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2014.56.2.289

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