The Labour Party's Blunkett Review: a comprehensive disappointment
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 56 Number 3 (2014)
The Labour Party's Blunkett Review: a comprehensive disappointment
KEITH LICHMAN pages 445-450
DOI: 10.15730/forum.2014.56.3.445
David Blunkett's Review of Education Structures for the Labour Party recognises that there is a chaotic and unsatisfactory situation in the English education system but its response is ambiguous and self-contradictory. Its proposals seek to normalise and regulate rather than remedy a system in which lack of democratic accountability, unfair school admissions and selection and creeping privatisation have become the trend.
To cite this article
KEITH LICHMAN (2014) The Labour Party's Blunkett Review: a comprehensive disappointment, FORUM, 56(3), 445-450.