Bacc to the Future: why we urgently need a more coherent and exciting framework for learning
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 57 Number 1 (2015)
Bacc to the Future: why we urgently need a more coherent and exciting framework for learning
MELISSA BENN pages 15‑18
DOI: 10.15730/forum.2015.57.1.15
Our current curriculum and qualifications framework is a 'fragmented mess' according to many of those who teach in, and lead, our schools. How can we change it with minimal disruption, particularly after four years of often destructive meddling from above? A number of individuals and groups at school level have been working to develop a 'baccalaureate' style approach to learning and accreditation which offers a genuinely comprehensive framework for a modern comprehensive system. To implement it would involve minimal disruption and public expenditure, merely large doses of pedagogic and political imagination and will. Can our politicians meet the challenge?
To cite this article
MELISSA BENN (2015) Bacc to the Future: why we urgently need a more coherent and exciting framework for learning, FORUM, 57(1), 15-18 . https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2015.57.1.15