School and Young People in Greece at Times of Crisis: the repercussions of Memorandum policies
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 57 Number 2 (2015)
School and Young People in Greece at Times of Crisis: the repercussions of Memorandum policies
DOI: 10.15730/forum.2015.57.2.135
Greece constitutes, in many respects, an indicative case of implementing neoliberal policies in Europe in the main sectors of politics and economy, as much as in the more specific sector of education. This article starts from a number of significant issues Greek public education has been facing in recent decades. Next, it focuses on analysing the impact of the policy enforced in Greece during the Memorandum era along two basic axes, given their direct interrelation: the educational institutions and the ages of childhood and adolescence. In light of recent developments, the study concludes by formulating final thoughts and concerns.
To cite this article
PAVLOS CHARAMIS & THEMIS KOTSIFAKIS (2015) School and Young People in Greece at Times of Crisis: the repercussions of Memorandum policies, FORUM, 57(2), 135-146 . https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2015.57.2.135