Current Developments in School Education in Turkey: education 'reforms' and teacher trade union responses
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 57 Number 2 (2015)
Current Developments in School Education in Turkey: education 'reforms' and teacher trade union responses
HALIL BUYRUK pages 147‑166
DOI: 10.15730/forum.2015.57.2.147
Education 'reforms' have been accelerated in the last decade in Turkey. Teachers, as the main actors of the education system, have developed a variety of responses to the reforms implemented in the field of education, both individually and collectively. They give directions to the change process in education by means of their trade unions. The unions have played important roles in the generation and implementation of educational policies with the strategies that they have developed. This article aims to analyse current developments in school education in Turkey and teacher trade union responses against the 'reforms'. For this aim, firstly, the general structure of the education system in Turkey will be identified followed by an analysis of the neoliberal policies that are a feature of the Turkish system. Finally, teacher trade unions' attitudes, compliance and resistance towards the 'education reforms' will be addressed in the context of the local dynamics of Turkey.
To cite this article
HALIL BUYRUK (2015) Current Developments in School Education in Turkey: education 'reforms' and teacher trade union responses, FORUM, 57(2), 147-166 . https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2015.57.2.147