What's the Point? Select Committee Ponders the Meaning of Education
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 58 Number 2 (2016)
What's the Point? Select Committee Ponders the Meaning of Education
ROBIN ALEXANDER pages 155‑166
DOI: 10.15730/forum.2016.58.2.155
In November 2015 the House of Commons Education Committee launched an enquiry into the purpose and quality of education in England. Among the written submissions was one from this author on behalf of the Cambridge Primary Review Trust. At the request of FORUM an edited version appears in the journal. The submission's centrepiece was the statement of educational aims from the final report of the Cambridge Primary Review, a statement on which the author and Michael Armstrong worked together and which Michael frequently quoted.
To cite this article
ROBIN ALEXANDER (2016) What's the Point? Select Committee Ponders the Meaning of Education, FORUM, 58(2), 155-166 . https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2016.58.2.155