The 'Patron Saint' of Comprehensive Education: an interview with Clyde Chitty. Part One
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 59 Number 3 (2017)
The 'Patron Saint' of Comprehensive Education: an interview with Clyde Chitty. Part One
DOI: 10.15730/forum.2017.59.3.309
FORUM invited Melissa Benn and Jane Martin to interview Clyde Chitty, a brilliant and effective classroom and university teacher, one of the most well-known advocates of comprehensive education, a long-standing member of FORUM's editorial board, and for two decades co-editor of the publication. It was Michael Armstrong who called him 'the patron saint of the movement for comprehensive education', in a card written to Clyde when he stepped away from regular duties with the FORUM board. In three 45-minute interviews, conducted at Clyde's home, Clyde shared reflections with us on a working life as a teacher-researcher who notably campaigned for the universal provision of comprehensive state education. In this article, which comprises Part One of the interviews (Part Two will appear in the spring 2018 number of FORUM), Clyde's unshakeable conviction that education has the power to enhance the lives of all is illustrated by plentiful examples from his work-life history.
To cite this article
MELISSA BENN, JANE MARTIN (2017) The 'Patron Saint' of Comprehensive Education: an interview with Clyde Chitty. Part One, FORUM, 59(3), 309-324 . https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2017.59.3.309