Bold Assertions: a comment on the Bold Beginnings debate

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 60 Number 3 (2018)

Bold Assertions: a comment on the Bold Beginnings debate
COLIN RICHARDS pages 313‑316
DOI: 10.15730/forum.2018.60.3.313


The Ofsted report Bold Beginnings was met with virulent opposition from the early years community. It tried to foreclose, rather than open up, debate about the Reception year; its wording was particularly incendiary. Almost a year on, straws in the wind suggest that the community's reaction was justified and that a battle for the soul of Reception is well under way.

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To cite this article
COLIN RICHARDS (2018) Bold Assertions: a comment on the Bold Beginnings debate, FORUM, 60(3), 313-316 .

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