Turning the Tide on 'Coercive Autonomy': learning from the Antidote story

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 60 Number 3 (2018)

Turning the Tide on 'Coercive Autonomy': learning from the Antidote story
JAMES PARK pages 387-396
DOI: 10.15730/forum.2018.60.3.387


This article argues that the mental health crisis affecting children and young people can only be addressed by putting in place a radically different model of school accountability from the one we have now. It explores what might be learned from the history of Antidote - an organisation set up to foster more emotionally supportive school environments -to inform the development of such a model.

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To cite this article
JAMES PARK (2018) Turning the Tide on 'Coercive Autonomy': learning from the Antidote story, FORUM, 60(3), 387-396. https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2018.60.3.387

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