Pandemic: An opportunity for implementing early years pedagogy beyond reception in England

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 63 Number 1 (2021)

Pandemic: An opportunity for implementing early years pedagogy beyond reception in England
DOI: 10.3898/forum.2021.63.1.15


The Covid-19 pandemic confronted practitioners with many challenges. For those of us working in early years and key stage 1, it also provided opportunities to sustain child-centred and play-based approaches to learning for longer than is usually the case. This reflective article draws on direct experience to argue for the importance of such approaches to learning, and to advocate their value in year 1 (and beyond) as well as in reception.

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To cite this article
CHLOE ARMSTRONG-JEGOROVA (2021) Pandemic: An opportunity for implementing early years pedagogy beyond reception in England, FORUM, 63(1), 135-142.

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