From the FORUM Archive: The Person-Centred School
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 63 Number 3 (2021)
From the FORUM Archive: The Person-Centred School
Michael Fielding pages 95‑105
DOI: 10.3898/forum.2021.63.3.95
The fourth article we are highlighting from the extensive FORUM archive introduces Michael Fielding’s critique of practice and policy for school effectiveness, first published in 2000. In it, Fielding describes the disillusionment with New Labour education policies before setting out a well-made argument for the person-centred school to promote human fulfilment.
To cite this article
Michael Fielding (2021) From the FORUM Archive: The Person-Centred School, FORUM, 63(3), 95-105 . https://doi.org/10.3898/forum.2021.63.3.95