‘They all matter’: Derek Roberts, pioneer headteacher

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 66 Number 2 (2024)

‘They all matter’: Derek Roberts, pioneer headteacher
Tim Bartlett pages 103‑110
DOI: 10.3898/forum.2024.66.2.103


In England, a number of early secondary comprehensive schools which opened in the mid-1960s are now approaching their 60th anniversaries. Derek Roberts was a pioneer headteacher and wrote in FORUM in 1974 about the first seven years of his new comprehensive school. The drive to transform education again arose out of educationalists’ experiences of the 20 years after the 1944 Education Act, itself a watershed. Derek died in 2024. His immediate successor describes the educational context in which Derek opened the school, and reflects on how his founding values continue to underpin the quality of education of its pupils.

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To cite this article
Tim Bartlett (2024) ‘They all matter’: Derek Roberts, pioneer headteacher, FORUM, 66(2), 103-110 . https://doi.org/10.3898/forum.2024.66.2.103

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