Adult learning within reach: the WEA as a social justice charity
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 66 Number 3 (2024)
Adult learning within reach: the WEA as a social justice charity
Simon Parkinson pages 116-125
DOI: 10.3898/forum.2024.66.3.13
The Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) has supported adult learning for over 120 years. Participating in adult learning brings a range of benefits for individuals and communities. These go much wider than solely education benefits and include better health, increased participation in community activities, and increased confidence and critical thinking, but are not always recognised and rewarded within the funding system. If organisations such as the WEA were better recognised as charities with a social justice mission then their impact could be greater still. National and regional policymakers are encouraged to recognise adult learning as a more integral part of strategies tackling inequality and building stronger communities.
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To cite this article
Simon Parkinson (2024) Adult learning within reach: the WEA as a social justice charity, FORUM, 66(3), 116-125.