Habermas vs Lyotard: modernity vs postmodernity?
New Formations - ISSN 0950-2378
Volume 1989 Number 7
Habermas vs Lyotard: modernity vs postmodernity?
Emilia Steuerman
Steuerman sets Habermas and Lytoard against each other in an attempt to answer questions posed by the category of postmodernity. She considers the relationship between modernity and postmodernity, modernity’s sense of time, intersubjectivity, the Kantian sublime, Wittgenstein’s theory of rule-following, and the role of speech and language acts, questioning the extent to which postmodernity can be seen as essentially a critique of modernity. Finally, she argues for an expansion of the terms within which human rationality is understood, from the abstract world of knowledge and theory to the more practical worlds of craft and art.
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To cite this article
Emilia Steuerman (1989) Habermas vs Lyotard: modernity vs postmodernity?, New Formations, 1989(7)