New Formations Volume 1995 Issue 27

ISSN 0950-2378

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Performance Matters


Editorial: Performance matters
Simon Frith Free to download

The perfect performance of music and the perfect musical performance
Lydia Goehr

Music minus one: rock, theory and performance
Nicholas Cook

'Alaturka fantasies': deceit, the voice and the arabesk stage in Turkey
Martin Stokes

From 'messin' around' to 'funky western civilization': the rise and fall of dance instruction songs
Sally Banes, John F. Szwed

'When the big time comes': the case of Frank Norman
John Stokes

Embodying the nation: gender and performance in women's fiction
Gill Frith

Television performance: being, acting and 'corpsing'
Karen Lury

X amount of sat siri akal! Apache indian reggae music and the cultural intermezzo
Les Back

Trudi Tate, Sean Nixon, Michael Wyeld Free to download

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