Eugenics: a polemical view of social policy in the genetic age
New Formations - ISSN 0950-2378
Volume 2006 Number 60
Eugenics: a polemical view of social policy in the genetic age
Bill Armer pages -
Armer examines the label of ‘disability’ and its application to a group of people who exist on society’s fringes, without access to its benefits and responsibilities. In the past, this position was claimed to be the consequence of an innate inability to meet the requirements of modern society, but today, it seems they are considered to be genetically unfit for full citizenship. Armer claims that these people formulate a genetic underclass, beneath and apart from contemporary British society: eugenetics in action.
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To cite this article
Bill Armer (2006) Eugenics: a polemical view of social policy in the genetic age, New Formations, 2006(60), -