New Formations Volume 2012 Issue 77

ISSN 0950-2378

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Bernard Stiegler: Technics, Politics, Individuation


Jeremy Gilbert, Ben Roberts Free to download

Technics, individuation and tertiary memory: Bernard Stiegler's challenge to media theory
Ben Roberts

Enchantment, disenchantment, re-enchantment: toward a critical politics of re-individuation
Stephen Barker

Technics beyond the temporal object
Mark B.N. Hansen

The reality of real time
Judith Wambacq, Bart Buseyne

The forgetting of aesthetics: individuation, technology, and aesthetics in the work of Bernard Stiegler
Bram Ieven

Editing (and) individuation
Patrick Crogan

Life and thought in the rushes: mnemotechnics and orthographic temporal objects in the philosophy of Bernard Stiegler
Marcel Swiboda

John Hutnyk

Antagonism and technicity: Bernard Stiegler on eris, stasis and polemos
Oliver Marchart

A Rational Theory of Miracles: on Pharmacology, Transindividuation, an Interview with Bernard Stiegler
Bernard Stiegler, Ben Roberts, Jeremy Gilbert, Mark Hayward Free to download

Nicholas Thoburn, James Graham, Keya Ganguly, Paul Bowman, Babacar M'Baye Free to download

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