Leaving Party: Theresa May’s Tories and Europe
Renewal - ISSN 0968-5211
Volume 24 Number 4 (2016)
Leaving Party: Theresa May’s Tories and Europe
Tim Bale pages -
The Conservative Party is now profoundly divided ideologically, into ‘hyperglobalisers’ and the more mercantilist pragmatists. Theresa May enjoyed a unique window of power when she first became PM to fashion a clear vision of the form of Brexit that
‘reluctant’ Tory Remainers like herself would favour. But May chose ‘safety first’, trying to balance the Remain and Leave camps in her party, while focusing on wiping out UKIP as a threat to the Tory vote.
To cite this article
Tim Bale (2016) Leaving Party: Theresa May’s Tories and Europe, Renewal, 24(4), -